
Welcome to the Sheppey Counselling Service website.

I provide Counselling for adults (individuals) and i work from a purpose built ‘pod’ in my garden in Minster-On-Sea on the Isle of Sheppey.

I am an experienced and accredited BACP counsellor offering a confidential, safe and compassionate place where clients can get support and encouragement with whatever they are going through, whether depression, anxiety, relationship problems, trauma, or PTSD.

I am also a qualified EMDR therapist, please see types of therapy for more information.

Please use the links above to the different pages to explore this website.

I hope you find the information you need.

If you would like any further information, have any questions or would like to ask about a particular issue in confidence, then please check out the ‘Contact Me’  page for details on how to reach me.